Robert Nagy 应用

Apeiron Truss 2D FEM 1.04
Robert Nagy
The application can become a useful aid on theone hand for engineering students during their studies in checkinghand calculations, solving trusses of large element number, or evenin getting familiar with the basic steps of the finite elementmethod (FEM); and on the other for practicing engineers in quickon-site verification of simple problems fitting into the realm ofthis highly confined family of structures.The Apeiron Truss 2D FEM code implements the linear finiteelement method with linear truss elements for calculating planartruss structures of arbitrary geometry, material properties andloading. As such, only nodal loads are allowed, while supports -also specified at nodes - may involve both fixed hinges androllers, this latter type nclines from the horizontal line at anangle specified by the user. The straight truss elements areexposed only to axial loading, hence only the axial stiffnessconstituents (Young modulus (E) and cross sectional area (A)) areto be prescribed.After creating the geometry, the user can easily modify everyfeature of the structure (move a specific node, add or deleteelements, supports, and loads or change the cross sectioncharacteristics). The results are listed textually for preciseanalysis and visualized as well for easier understanding ofstructural behavior.The modelling steps are the followings:1. Specify cross-sectional properties (elastic Young modulus andcross sectional area).2. Prescribe the nodes constituting the structure.3. Connect the appropriate nodes by line elements.4. Apply loads on nodes.5. Decrease the degrees of freedom by nodal supports (rollers areinclined at a user specified angle from the horizontal, fixedhinges are two non parallel, possibly perpendicular, rollers at thesame node).6. View the structure to check for any staticalindeterminacy.7. Solve the linear system.8. View the results summarized in a list: nodal displacements,nodal loads, reaction forces and element axial forces.9. Visualize the results. Deformed configuration, elements undertension (red) and compression (blue).
Color Confusion 1.03
Robert Nagy
ColorConfusion is based on a cognitivetestmeasuring the increase in reaction times due to interferenceofcontradictory pieces of information, the so called Stroopeffect(see Wikipedia for John Ridley Stroop, 1935).By playing, you can test and improve yourconcentrationskills.The game is simple, and has only one rule: You have to taponthat color out of the bottom 4 the COLOR of which appears inthecenter of the screen regardless of the meaning of the WRITTENtext.Take care, if you tap on any different color, your scoreisdecreased by 1 point.You can choose out of 3 different game modes:The EASY is a reference measure, where no interference occurs,thatis the text and its color agrees. (The original Stroop testcallsit congruent stimulus.) This is where you are supposed toreach thehighest score.The NORMAL is the usual test, where the written color name anditscoloring disagree. (The original Stroop test calls itincongruentstimulus.) Do not get scared. It is normal, to reachfewer pointshere. The less difference you have, the better yourabilities tofocus are.The DIFFICULT differs from the above mode by shuffling thebuttonsas well, introducing the new task of searching the rightcolor.You can also analyse your performance by charts and highscoresdatabase. In the next upgraded release you will be abletochallenge your friends and compare your abilities via yourGooglePlay Account.